Earl Banes Purpose was his children. He worked hard for them while he still made time to play, he always provided what they needed. Earl had five children, and nearly a dozen grandchildren. Among them are a retired Los Angeles Fire Captain, A Retired School Teacher, A Retired Air Force Pilot and two more veterans of the Air Force and one Army wife.
Earl legacy to all of them was the simple instruction to make the world a better place. He would say “Be kind, be conservative and that means you must be a conservationist, anything else is hypocrisy”.
In order to continue Earls desire to make the world a better place, 1% of our income goes to support the arts and veteran rehabilitation here in Southern California. On the conservation side, while we sponsor the CoolToys.TV series, our offices are 100% solar powered.
Our donations are in three forms. The first is that 1% of all proceeds are split 50% to support the arts, and 50% to support the Warriors on Track program for veteran rehabilitation.
Additionally, we donate our designs for use by ArtSurf Productions so that they may keep all profits to continue the work on the Visions series and other projects supporting the arts.
Waste Not Want Not was one of Earls Favorite Sayings.
#EarlBanes #EarlyBum #RWTH #Conserve #SupportTheArts